Advanced Treatments

Non Surgical Face Lift

Our most advanced treatment to date - non-surgical facelift. Skin tightening Morpheus8 is the most powerful and deepest Subdermal Fractional micro-needling Radio Frequency (RF) technology for skin tightening.

Radio Frequency

Blending beauty with science through a combination of radio frequency and ultrasound waves, this unique non-invasive, non-ablative and non-surgical therapy delivers an effective, yet relaxing treatment that tightens the skin’s tissues.

Facial Exfoliation

Dermaplaning is a method of exfoliation that consists of using a scalpel to gently scrape off the top layer of dulling dead skin cells in order to reveal a smoother, brighter complexion. Smoother skin, better product penetration.

Dermalux TriWave
LED Light Therapy

Accelerates the body’s own natural repair processes to combat the signs of ageing (including lines and wrinkles on the face, hands or body) sunburn, skin damage, pigmentation and overall skin health with the healing power of light.

Precision MicroNeedling

As seen on Ten Year’s Younger, the SkinPen is the gold standard in Microneedling. Medical grade, state-of-the-art precision is used to improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and scars on the face and body.

Vein Treatment

Laser target unwanted veins with pinpoint precision. Vasculaze can help alleviate a wide variety of leg vein issues with a laser that is targeted to treat the blood vessel causing the blemish, avoiding needles or unnecessary surgery.

Lumenis LightSheer
Laser Hair Removal

Remove unwanted hair safely, comfortably and permanently with our LightSheer™ XC Laser Hair Removal Machine, targeting hair deep in the follicle for maximum results. Reduce hair growth by up to 90%, leaving you with smoother skin.

Professional Peels

A comprehensive peels range designed to adapt to various skin types. Peels are formulated with time release technology, delivering acids slowly so skin doesn’t get overwhelmed. Experience less tingling, more comfort and visible results.

Celebrity Facial

The ultimate celebrity facial: HydraFacial uses a unique, patented Vortex-Fusion delivery system to exfoliate, extract and hydrate skin, and, the spiral design delivers painless extractions for ultimate hydration. Upgrade your treatment with a booster.


Lumecca is one of the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments that delivers up to 3x more energy in 500-600nm range to improve efficacy for vascular and pigmented lesions, creating a clear complexion.

3D Lipo ultimatepro
& Powersculpt

Sculpt, tone and reduce fat with our award winning, non-invasive 3D Lipo treatments including ultimatepro and Powersculpt: a multi-dimensional approach to body contouring targeting your chosen specific areas.

Resurfacing Peels

Resurfacing, supercharged exfoliating treatments with virtually no downtime to address several concerns through the use of enzymes and acids, working to effortlessly refine and exfoliate the texture of your skin.