
Did you know thread veins effect 80% of the population, with a greater number in females than males? They can be prevalent in a contained body area, spread out over multiple body areas, or show up as a singular line or cluster. The use of Vasculaze can help treat existing lesions and prevent them from getting worse.

The appearance of veins can be unsightly, causing both women and men to seek treatment options.

Lesions can be very visible (long and bulging) or spider veins, which are smaller, finer and shorter (lines or web-like). Vasculaze can help alleviate a wide variety of facial and leg vein issues with a laser that is targeted to treat the blood vessel causing the blemish.

Vasculaze has an specially designed head that is built to pinpoint the vein or vein network, making treatments precise and safe.

The technology in the Vasculaze sends pulses of light onto the vein, which makes the vein slowly fade and disappear, preventing the need for unpleasant incisions and needles.

What areas of the body can be treated?

Before treatment, your Therapist will perform a full consultation and assessment of your vascular lesions. In general, the recommended types of vascular veins to treat are: spider veins, leg veins, telangiectasias and angiomas. Varicose veins are typically larger and are not suitable for Vasculaze.

More common areas of Vasculaze treatment include: décolleté, arms, upper thighs, back of thighs, and the lower legs.

Vasculaze at The Gate

Unlike surgical options, Vasculaze means you achieve results without a hospital stay or a long, uncomfortable recovery. Vasculaze uses high powered lasers meaning no needles are needed for the treatment.

Vasculaze usually requires three sessions, performed every 5-8 weeks however the number of sessions is dependent on severity of your concerns.

  • The technology in the Vasculaze sends pulses of light onto the vein, making it slowly fade and disappear.

    The Vasculaze procedure is done with a laser that uses high peak power to target the specific hemoglobin, damaging the pigment in the visible veins.

    After the treatment, as the veins are no longer able to carry blood, it will then be reroute to another healthy vein.

    Once the treatment is complete, the treated veins will eventually die and will absorb into the body as waste.

    If you are having a vascular lesion treated, the laser will break up the pigment so the body can absorb it.

    Upgrade your treatment

    Your Vasculaze treatment can be combined with a number of our other high powered aesthetic options - ask your Therapist for more details.

  • By it’s very nature, the Vasculaze treatment is highly personalised to you and your individual concerns.

  • Vasculaze is recommended for individuals who are looking for a non-invasive skin treatment to address vascular lesions. Vasculaze is safe for all skin types. It is a quick, in salon treatment that can be combined with other therapies to address a combination of skin issues such as pigmentation, rosacea, and textural concerns.


Veins are extremely personal to each individual, which is why the cost of your treatment will be based on your own bespoke plan, Your Therapist will be able to give you costings during your consultation.

Prices starting from 84 per session depending on size and quantity of areas to be treated.

Consultation 28
Fully redeemable against any treatment here at The Gate.